Friday, November 2, 2012


I have a naughty 4 year old.
Who wants her?
Not the temper tantrum, throwing things, ornery, mean type of naughty.
The kind where she just could give a rats behind what you say.
AS I'm sitting here unwrapping my 36th vanilla tootsie roll  { lovely Annie } and getting ready to blog.
She yells out....."  Oh my gosh "  " What the hell ".
said JUST like a valley girl.
She is extremely bossy.
Extremely capable.
Extremely independent.
Extremely lovable.
& extremely mine!
It was  a joyful day driving up to B-Town to pick up my father.
Turned the radio to 106.5 and  " Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas was blaring in my car "
Christmas music......really?
I won't complain tho--------
Tomorrow I will be spending the day with my sister enjoying such music along with a couple sonic trips and sewing some muchly needed Items....
Like this one below that I created today!!
You better be sitting down.
And take a deep breath.....
and I hope you don't fall over dead.

My first INFINITY scarf.
Made from vintage  hankies and Doilies.
You died huh........
I knew it!

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