Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Gooooood Morning gorgeous!
Found this little GEM at my favorite store yesterday for $5.
Perfect little Morning Snuggle Blanket!!!  :)
I am loving Africans right now  {Afghans}.
Can't wait to see what else I pick up along my little searches.
When we were in California, we didn't have much time for shopping or exploring.....
Our time was pretty limited and directed towards my FAM!
We did manage to fit in 30 minutes...{that included driving time to somewhere we didn't know how to get}
Heard of Charming Charlie's?
{love the name}
I got these little treasures there....:)
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket
I adore this Necklace!
Its the  second necklace I own now.....and I wanna wear it URRYDAY!
I have been doing ALOT of self healing and empowering lately.
Realizing HOW much power I have within myself.
{with the help of the man upstairs}
We make a good team I Think!
I made this, this morning in PHOTO SHOP!
I adore this saying....
I am in control!
I have a little area downstairs in my parents house that's just mine.
I love having my own little space.
All my crafts and things are in  T state that I know I probably won't ever seen again.
So I'm slowly contributing to my stash of creativeness....
I don't have much....but I LOVE everything I do have!
Fabric I got at Hobby Lobby for charlee's Valentines surprise.
aka Kitchen.....:)
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How was I running 11 Miles back in August?
I have not done ONE thing with exercising since then.
SO unlike me.
I just haven't been feeling up to it, givin things that have gone on.
But look what I unleashed last night.....
Im planning on signing up for some races here soon, to have some small goals to work towards.
and maybe look cuter in my leggings....:)
I feel the itch lately and so im going to simply RUN with it!!
Has anyone heard of the story about:
"Be Exact in Our Obedience"
6:30----Gods time!
6:31----- My Time!
I Think it was a missionary story.
Learning to be exact in his Obedience.
AND when he did..............blessings unfolded...more then he could count!

I'm already crying and I haven't even typed anything yet.
Probably cuz when my sister Kim told me this story, while we were having a small little heart to heart on our trip-------IT HIT ME!!
Almost like everything jammed in my brain instantly.....and I mean INSTANTLY took alignment.
All in order!
It was clear......
She was inspired to share this!
Alot of things on the trip that had happened made sense and I felt POWER.
I have been on my knees nonstop since I have been back......BECAUSE He is waiting to bless........ANXIOUSLY waiting!
All we have to do is:
A: Be obedient
B: Ask.
He wants nothing but FANTASTIC AND GLORIFIED things for us. {and me}
All those things in Texas?
They aren't mind anyways.......... {get it?}
I'm letting it go!
If I am Obedient I will be blessed 10 fold.
My heart is pounding as I type this......tears streaming down my face.
This is real!
I almost felt like like HF gave me the "go ahead Annie "nod",
I will NOT be going after my things in Texas.
I want it over, so I can enjoy the things that are hidden behind this door in front of me.
Just the Miracles that my family and I have witnessed lately,
It has to be real!
.Its been a LOOOOONG 3 years.
I have Battle wounds to prove it......
Is it going to be easy?...Uhhhhhhh NOPE.
but I can surely do this......
No more!
I see and feel the warmth................
MY book keeps getting better and better, and I will NOT tear out ONE page!
Who can guess what the next chapter will be?
It is WELL with my soul!  :)
living out my purpose....... :)


  1. Okay, now you have me in tears. I absolutely love everything about this post. You are so inspiring. Thank you!
    {now I need to go find that story...}

  2. Go Annie! I love it! It feels so good to let go of those things that don't matter! Why is it so hard to remember that? (I'm speaking for myself) I am so excited to see what happens for you next! I love your new picture on your banner. You are adorable!
