From sea world......:)
And lego land........:)

Thursday, April 25, 2013
Sending some love from SD.......
I have made a decision since leaving Utah last Friday I would not post on my blog or Instagram...........
I wanted to be "in the moment" here with my family in beautiful SAN DIEGO!
Not wandering around on the Internet! ;)
I'm finding it hard since I love keeping in touch my with sweet friends.......and I have took probably over 200 pictures since heart wants to live and I am so excited to share!
I have emailed my sisters and parents daily with updates and pictures of our continual activities.
Is never ending........we are in TOTAL heaven and this is exactly what our little family needed. It's what mike and I needed. :)
The scenery of the ocean every morning, I open our front door so I can hear the waves crashing in as i sit and enjoy a cold dt. Coke.
Here is two eye candy pictures........
And for all those instagrammers and blog lovers.....,,I will return soon! For now I will put my iPad away and go enjoy the sand with my littles for a couple more days!! Xoxox
I "heart" the beach.
Got up early for a temple session with a sweet friend of mine who lives here. Never been to the San Diego temple! I'm so glad I had the opportunity to go! Memory locked away forever!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Brother in law in Boston!
I posted a picture on my Instagram early morning Monday.
A shout out to my brother in law running is life DREAM and his 33rd marathon!
Running the Boston Marathon!
This picture was takin before the race was even started.....
Little did we all know.......
Totally Naive to what was to come!
We all were getting Updated Texts from a program they Offer to let us know what pace he was at and how further he had to go.
We also checked on the website and followed him pretty much every step!
WE were his cheerleaders from home!
A friend of mine on Instagram asked if My brother in law was ok a few short time later...
I was confused as to why----???
Then the texts started flooding in...and the Instagram messages and emails!
My poor sister NOT knowing the fate of her husband.
We prayed.
And prayed some more.....
and waited....
Matt Shoemaker passed the Finish line at 4:00:58
The FIRST bomb went off at 4:09
Missing him by 8 minutes!
He is home this morning with his family, embraced by TEARS and gratitude.
We all are!
I have watched some clips and read some information on the Internet along with pictures this morning!
Along with the pain and sadness i felt, I also saw "Good"
I want to be part of that "GOOD" in the world!
I hope you all do too!!!
A lady was so kind and let him use her cell phone to call home to my sister, and offered taxi money to get back to his hotel.
As they weren't allowed to go get their bags!
I hope he doesn't mind me sharing this....
But here something that is BEAUTIFULLY written by him, he posted on FB!
Love you Matt!
So happy and thankful you were not hurt and are safe at home...
We pray for those who didn't have the same outcome!
Pray for Boston!
Matt Lives in Logan, Utah and My sister will be speaking to a Radio station today!
Matthew Shoemaker
Family and friends. Thank you for your outpouring of concern, thoughts and prayers on this difficult day. Please join me in continued prayers for the people and families affected by this tragic event.
Today was such an unexpected juxtaposition of triumph and tragedy. It was the realization of a dream, followed by a nightmarish scene. I witnessed countless stories of personal victory in the form of every runner in today's race, most of whom qualified by tough standards for race entry, and many of whom overcame personal struggles in their quest to be part of the Boston Marathon mystique. Feelings of elation soon were replaced with confusion and terror...
...This morning, in the athlete's village prior to the start of the race, the PA announcer led over 26,000 runners and hundreds of volunteers in a moment of silence for the families and victims of the recent tragic Sandy Hook school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. Little did we know that before the end of the day, similar observances at other locations throughout the country, would be held due to our day's events, which would occur just feet from the finish line.
Up to the point of the explosions, my Boston Marathon experience was exquisite, and exceeded all that I had envisioned it would be. The organization, logistics and volunteers were amazing. The community support along the entire route was incredible, on what was like a 26.2 mile parade route, lined with cheering people the entire way! In all of my marathons, I have never felt such energy or mojo flow from the crowd right into me as I ran. You could literally give high fives the entire way if you wanted.
After taking time off from running over the Winter, my main goal today was to enjoy every moment of each step in every mile, not worry about my pace or time, and finish healthy. My stopwatch stopped working, and it had taken me 10 minutes to cross the start line, so the displayed elapsed time at key miles were not helpful.
By the last two miles, my tired legs told me to walk. Because I was not running for time, my mind said "okay." Then something told me to keep running, even though it would hasten the end of this magical day. So I told my legs it was time to go, and we ran on to the end. Although it was not a fast time, the finish came too quickly.
As I crossed the finish line and received my medal, I was suddenly overcome with emotion, and I did not fight the tears resulting from the realization of my Boston dream, after chasing it for over 10 years and 33 marathons. Dreams really can - and do come true, if you dare to dream, put in the work, and if it is God's will!
About 8 minutes after crossing the finish line, while retrieving my clothing bag a block away, I felt and then heard the first blast which shook my chest and echoed off the tall downtown buildings. I turned to see a large cloud of smoke rising from the finish area. The sights and sounds were like those seen on the evening world news - only this time was right before my eyes, and will remain etched in my memory for some time.
Moments later the second explosion sounded, followed by general confusion, which soon became chaos. In the midst of all this, families were separated. Cell phone calls were unable to connect, although texting would still mostly work, but most runners did not have their phones with them.
The designated family meeting place was no longer safe. Helicopters soon hovered over the building tops as emergency vehicles raced up and down the streets, including ambulance, after ambulance. Training which officers hoped to never need kicked in, as they sought to secure the area and prevent further harm to anyone.
Being without my wallet and cell phone, a kind lady allowed me to use hers to let Keri know that I was okay. She then offered me money for a taxi fare if I had no way to get back to my host's home due to subway closures.
As time passes, I am more shaken by the day as I begin to process the events in my mind. I find it difficult as I try to comprehend why others, including at least one child, lost their lives or were injured, and I made it past the same location only minutes before.
I harbor no ill feelings toward Boston, but rather admiration for the people, as I witnessed acts of bravery and compassion by not only emergency personnel, but also runners, volunteers and citizens on the street.
I don't know if I will run Boston again, but I plan to someday return to the city, as there is so much more I want to see and do. It is a beautiful city rich in history, and I will not allow this act of evil cowardice to cause me to live in fear, or to tarnish my appreciation for Boston or its citizens.
The events of today have certainly put many things into perspective for me. Although I have feelings of pain, anger, confusion, compassion, concern, and sadness, I am mostly filled with gratitude for life, health, family, friends and especially God.
Today was such an unexpected juxtaposition of triumph and tragedy. It was the realization of a dream, followed by a nightmarish scene. I witnessed countless stories of personal victory in the form of every runner in today's race, most of whom qualified by tough standards for race entry, and many of whom overcame personal struggles in their quest to be part of the Boston Marathon mystique. Feelings of elation soon were replaced with confusion and terror...
...This morning, in the athlete's village prior to the start of the race, the PA announcer led over 26,000 runners and hundreds of volunteers in a moment of silence for the families and victims of the recent tragic Sandy Hook school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut. Little did we know that before the end of the day, similar observances at other locations throughout the country, would be held due to our day's events, which would occur just feet from the finish line.
Up to the point of the explosions, my Boston Marathon experience was exquisite, and exceeded all that I had envisioned it would be. The organization, logistics and volunteers were amazing. The community support along the entire route was incredible, on what was like a 26.2 mile parade route, lined with cheering people the entire way! In all of my marathons, I have never felt such energy or mojo flow from the crowd right into me as I ran. You could literally give high fives the entire way if you wanted.
After taking time off from running over the Winter, my main goal today was to enjoy every moment of each step in every mile, not worry about my pace or time, and finish healthy. My stopwatch stopped working, and it had taken me 10 minutes to cross the start line, so the displayed elapsed time at key miles were not helpful.
By the last two miles, my tired legs told me to walk. Because I was not running for time, my mind said "okay." Then something told me to keep running, even though it would hasten the end of this magical day. So I told my legs it was time to go, and we ran on to the end. Although it was not a fast time, the finish came too quickly.
As I crossed the finish line and received my medal, I was suddenly overcome with emotion, and I did not fight the tears resulting from the realization of my Boston dream, after chasing it for over 10 years and 33 marathons. Dreams really can - and do come true, if you dare to dream, put in the work, and if it is God's will!
About 8 minutes after crossing the finish line, while retrieving my clothing bag a block away, I felt and then heard the first blast which shook my chest and echoed off the tall downtown buildings. I turned to see a large cloud of smoke rising from the finish area. The sights and sounds were like those seen on the evening world news - only this time was right before my eyes, and will remain etched in my memory for some time.
Moments later the second explosion sounded, followed by general confusion, which soon became chaos. In the midst of all this, families were separated. Cell phone calls were unable to connect, although texting would still mostly work, but most runners did not have their phones with them.
The designated family meeting place was no longer safe. Helicopters soon hovered over the building tops as emergency vehicles raced up and down the streets, including ambulance, after ambulance. Training which officers hoped to never need kicked in, as they sought to secure the area and prevent further harm to anyone.
Being without my wallet and cell phone, a kind lady allowed me to use hers to let Keri know that I was okay. She then offered me money for a taxi fare if I had no way to get back to my host's home due to subway closures.
As time passes, I am more shaken by the day as I begin to process the events in my mind. I find it difficult as I try to comprehend why others, including at least one child, lost their lives or were injured, and I made it past the same location only minutes before.
I harbor no ill feelings toward Boston, but rather admiration for the people, as I witnessed acts of bravery and compassion by not only emergency personnel, but also runners, volunteers and citizens on the street.
I don't know if I will run Boston again, but I plan to someday return to the city, as there is so much more I want to see and do. It is a beautiful city rich in history, and I will not allow this act of evil cowardice to cause me to live in fear, or to tarnish my appreciation for Boston or its citizens.
The events of today have certainly put many things into perspective for me. Although I have feelings of pain, anger, confusion, compassion, concern, and sadness, I am mostly filled with gratitude for life, health, family, friends and especially God.
Monday, April 15, 2013
make STUFF already!!!
Ive been on a natural HIGH lately!!!
Where I just wanna make stuff!
I try stuff!
and do stuff!
I know I am back to "Annie"
when I feel this way!
So it makes me EXTREMELY happy!
and EXXXTREMELY content with where I am in my life!
I am on the right path!
Not perfect....but pointed in the right direction!
Walmart $5 shoes------
I know----Shut up right?
I used acrylic craft paint for the black!
Then just a black fabric I got at Michael's for $4 but really $2 cuz of my coupon.
DOWN LOAD the Michael's APP on your phone! :)
Charlee Ann!
I have been In love with "Star Burst" Mirrors lately!
Just check out my Pinterest! :)
But I won't pay for em!
So I made one.........
Mirror I got at Michael's....$3 after my coupon....{hehehehe}
then I used the Chop saw and just cut these Masonite {I think that's the wood}
into different sized strips!
I just used what WOOD my dad had!
The block of wood in the back, you can use liquid nails and have it dry for a day.
{PATIENCE killed me on this one}
Then I lined up the wood strips and hot glued them one by one separating them evenly as I went!
I love this!!!
RETRO/ 70'S style!
I want to make another one.....but WHITE!!
Then let me see!!
Watched My Fair Lady with the FAM!
Dr. West went around checking up on everyone!
Spent some time with Miss Abbie!!
Picked up Walnuts from my parents Backyard!
CHARLEE had to use a butterfly net.
Counted my blessings!!!!
Took charlee to the store while she pulled her "creeper" she made in the shop around.
We got stopped many times to ask what her puppies name was.....HA!!!
Ate maverick HOTDOGS!
pretty huh!! :)
We are heading out to San Diego in 4 days...
4 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello beach!
We will be staying in a beach house for a week!
In the sun.....and playing in the water....picking up shells!
I cannot wait!
It will be a busy WEEK packing and preparing!
Hard work "within" pays off......
It really does.
I can testify this....
and so does patience.
Its on........
Training has started....
Half Marathon is not on my LIST " to do "
Ran in the snow this morning........
I froze and I'm still hacking! But I'm grateful to be WHERE I am.
And I have feet to keep moving me forward!
the end!
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
HARD work pays OFF!
Yesterday I enjoyed many things, SONIC for one!
Always such a treat, reminds me of vacations!
Dt. Coke, blue coconut and lime----extra ice please! :)
Over Spring break Jax worked on his times tables.....
Passing off A LOT!
There was a lot of tears, frustration and doubt on his end.
He pushed through and faced it head on and tried so hard.........SO PROUD!
I re-learned right along with him!
Oh the things we forget...
So as a reward we ordered something he wanted VERY badly from amazon!
We waited for it to come Sat. It didn't! {tears}
We waited for it to come Monday. It didn't! {Tears}
Running home off the bus, straight to the mail box, closing it with disappointment!
Mopeing his way to the front door.
He reminded me of the Christmas Story....the Little Orphan Annie secret code!
20 minutes before he was to arrive home from school! PHEWWWW! close one!
He BOUNCED down the the bus....anxious!
I wanted to scare him!
He screamed like a little girl, ripping it apart!
I love boys.
and game nerds!
He earned it!
He deserved it!
***I blog.
***Jax fell down the stairs and is now doing his homework with an icepack, mad at me for making him so his homework. {wink}
***Charlee is painting creepers she made out of wood in the shop today.
Seriously this little girl made it ALL by herself......glued wood together and all.
Last night The kids attempted to sleep in their tents!
lasted 4 min.....
andddddddddd...............then, in bed with me. Gah!
I found $4 dollars worth of heaven!
Old metal office tray.
And another Afghan to add to my Ugly Afghan collection!
Spray painting this MINT!!!
Hello, pretty little thing!
Spray painted little sticks gold......for a LOVERLY project I'm working on!
I'm so impatient and have to wait for glue to dry........Killllls me!!!
I will post updated pictures!
Charlee runs and hides!
I'm not so sure her grandpa is aware that Snow White is playing in his shop!
She knows her way around this place!
Second place she would rather be!
First place? In her dad's pocket! :)
Things are Good around here.....
I feel good.
Like, really feel good!
I KNEW if I loved life, that LIFE will love me back!
and the future awaits ........for me.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Be a kind one.
I was going to blog on a TOTAL different subject tonight!
My heart was set on.......
"being Obedient to our GOALS"!
I helped my sister today on setting some goals and in return she HELPED me...
Go fig....
I want to sign up for some 10K's and Half marathons again this year and start running 9 to 11 miles on the think that I did that only 8 months ago, I almost can't believe it.
I want that excitement again, that reward, that RUSH and that dedication and therapy!
I miss it......
I miss my feed pounding the pavement and the loud music in my ears, its only ME and my legs!
Plus I need to shed this "Comfort" padding I have been hoarding to myself since October.... :) Yes, hoarding!
Go away extra flub........I don't need you anymore.
It was a comfort protector I gathered up on my VERY
Anyways--------I will talk on that later....
But my HEART made a turn today------
and Now I'm going to shed some light on some inspiration!
Yesterday I shared my heart on "Creating a net" of people who inspire, uplift, build and fan your flame!
I have met a lot of instasista's {instagram friends as they say} :)
Who I adore!
Uplift each other as woman and as mothers!
I have met one lady who decided to share her $1 a yard walmart knit fabric with me.....
I have made some Maxi skirts and she was so KIND to send me some in the mail cuz her walmart was cooler then MY walmart....{if that's even possible}
WAY cuter too!
So I get her sweet little box in the mail----
Filled with treasures and happiness!
I have to admit my heart was filled with JOY, like pounding and teary!
She doesn't know me.......but yet, took the time to shed alittle happiness and sunshine someones way!
The earrings I love-----
Going back 7 months ago, where I left all I owned in Texas and only bringing what I could fit in my car and my kids., I lost everything.
But I have talked about "Things" before, and they are ONLY things...... :)
Well, I don't own a pair of earrings.........{i know right? lol}
So when I saw these two pair of earrings...SHE MADE, i was so so thrilled.
They mean something to me now...:)
I want to thank you 90 times a million for sharing your talents with me Andrea...:)
She is HERE
I am going to pay it FORWARD!
Pay the kind-ness FORWARD!
Where in YOUR life can you squeeze in a little "Pay it forward" with kindness?
As woman we can unite.......and share our LIGHT with others!
Why not?
We have enough Yucky-ness in the world!
And then go "Pop some tags"
Thrifty style!
I reaaaaally wanted this fur vest.
Preparing for:
San Diego Trip {swimsuits}
Kindergarten {birth certificate}
and to eat a maverick hot dog and have some Dt. Coke. aka poison!
AT least I can admit it......
Working in my dad's shop!
OOOOOOoooing over the SUNNY day!
My sweet little blondy-----
Singing my favorite song!
Rainy days and Mondays on a rainy Monday morning!! :)
Photobombed by Charlee!
Went out to dinner with friends and husbands and kids!!!
Used my wasabi {lol} TAPE to cover my Apple charger!
{thank you mighty pinterest}
Spoke to charlee walkie talkie style from the back seat to the front seat!
She has A LOT of important things to say ya know.......
Like....."MOM, zombies are coming" "Over"
Me: "Charlee, lets run for the hills" "Over"
Kids and friends saw "THE Croods".
I cried!
They laughed...:)
I made a MAXI!
{thank you pinterest again}
We had Hello Kitty pancakes!!!
Charlee was in heaven....
Jax, was humiliated.....
Jax is into BALL lately and Mike is grabbing it by the HORNS!
Meet "Hello Kitty West"
"Tiny West"
Charlee is on BOARD TOO...
Double excitement for DAD!!!!
Made cookies for Grandpa West who is 96 years old...:)
SPOON full of sugar..........umm, literally!
Wanted to ship her to china this day!
One way postage!
NO returns!
Seriously, I wanted to pull her hair and then kiss her.
Pull her hair---kiss!
PULL HAIR and then smoootch her face!
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