Monday, July 8, 2013

Im just GUNNA SAY IT!!!!!!!!

For all those who have followed me for years.......
KNOW THAT what I am about to say is gunna move mountains.....
So I kinda like him...
And by, DANG IT.......he put a ring on it!
This all came about last week..............
**In a nut shell explanation**
10 years of perfection was gone in an instant!
More then 2 years ago when we divorced.
We stayed best friends through our trials and heartache.
A saddened situation that happened to Me and the kids brought Mike and I together, and again
fell madly in love.
More then ever before!
Allowing us to raise our children together and start off where we left off, and continue our love story.
These last 9 and a half months, we made SURE this was right.
AND-----it is.
The lord has definitely played a roll in this....
My faith, Obedience and HOPE also played a roll.
Prayers are REAL!
God knows what we need, If we are only willing to listen and act.
This is a REAL life love story.
We will continue to write our story-----I will never give up on us, or on my savior.
I am thrilled and teary to be able to share this true story.
Its tender and its mine.
Side note:
The circle shaped ring represents "Full circle", since we have literally come full circle.  {Insert "awhhhh" noises here}
Its real!
It just happened!
And this is my forever!
My kids are excited to have "daddy" home.  Once again.....
We spent the weekend together away.
We enjoyed just being alone and "really" enjoying being with each other!
He is mine.
I am his!

So with all that being
We have been busy, swimming, shooting guns, riding motorcycles,  and putting on HOT pink lipstick!
Ya, know----Normal summer stuff!



My sister and I at the temple a few days ago!!!
** Tradition sonic!


  1. So are you officially man and wife or are you engaged??

  2. So so so awesome! What a testimony of faith you have! You are a blessed lady (but I am sure you know that already) I am so grateful we "found" each other on IG. You are one of my favorites.

    PS. did you ever blog about the beginning of your story - why you guys broke up/moved to Texas/came back? I blog stalked you but didn't find anything to answer my burning questions. But then I thought- "Duh, Meg, maybe its private!" So excuse my Tuesday nosiness if it is.

  3. Nothing makes me happier! You two are perfect for each other. I love the ring and the meaning behind it. Absolutely perfect. Love ya! XOXO

  4. Congrats Annie!! You deserve happiness! So glad things have fallen into place for you!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I love your story. It's a story of hope and love. Thank you for sharing!

  7. So happy for you!! You deserve the best! :D

  8. Congrats! Nothing like a real life love story! Sniff!!! :)

  9. Congrats to you guys. Mike is a pretty awesome guy and anybody can see you guys are,have been, and always will be soul mates.

  10. Congrats to you guys. Mike is a pretty awesome guy and anybody can see you guys are,have been, and always will be soul mates.

  11. Congratulations Miss Annie! I am so so happy for you! Even though we haven't seen each other since probably high school, I feel like a friend from reading your blog. You've had a tough (understatement, right?!) couple years and I'm so glad that things are bright and sunny for you and your sweet family. Best of luck!!!!!

  12. So very happy for you! Its a great love story. One for the ages...and perhaps a book?

  13. I KNEW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN! I JUST KNEW IT! So happy for you and your little family! Come see me! LOVE you to you Mike. (Did he tell ya we ran into him at good ol' Walmart fairly recently?).

  14. I KNEW THIS WAS GONNA HAPPEN! I JUST KNEW IT! I am so very happy for you and your little family! Come see me! We can go get a Sonic!

  15. So so happy for you all! Blessings come to those who have faith. You are truly an inspiration. Mimi

  16. You are such an AMAZING person!!!! I am sooo stinkin' excited for you!!!!! May the Lord continue to bless you on your incredible journey!! :-)
