The days are passing us by .......
like SUPER fast.
Am I the only one?
Its Friday, and I swore I just made a list Monday morning for my week------and here we ARE!
what the..........
I have things I have to cross of everyday so I make sure I am prepared for the BIG day.
11 days to be exact! :)
Ive kinda been a grump the last few days, a little overwhelmed with the "Details" for Christmas.
This pictures explains their relationship perfectly......
With my projects and computer/editing time she is RIGHT her sweet face!
My mom doesn't like cats and hates cat posts
I'm trying to convince her that Mabel is her granddaughter. Its not working out so well.
I bet she will never babysit. :)
I have felt I needed to attend the temple this week, Funny how mike is ALSO always so intune with that.
He isn't active, but he knows and feels and is aware.
Love his support and love for my dedication to the Lord.....I know that sounds silly, but its the truth. :)
He knows I need these things in my life, he has seen my hard work and i feel i can always be truthful with how I am feeling spiritually with him.
Its nice to share------even tho its slightly one sided.
I feel NO fear in that....
Its pretty festive around her........
Mike and I worked in my dads shop yesterday, what a cute little ELF mike is.
We finished up Jackson's Lego figure's display case, its ready for paint!
And also Jax's Lego table----its going to be PRETTY AMAZING!
We custom built it to fit at the bottom of his bed and along the wall.
Lego's are HIS LIFE!
He works for hours to make amazing cities and buildings and to NOW have a safe place to display his "art" and not get bumped.....he will be so excited!
This boy is a master mind............
I will share when we are completely finished...
{just hope he doesn't check my}
Spray painting in 20 degree WEATHER......holy freeeeeze my bunzies off....
We added some rain gutter to the Lego table with a little Lego guy shoot.....AH, how FUN!
Benny lost the SHOOT off......
We don't love her or anything.........
We like to tease Jax that he wants the new One direction CD for his
HE is such a funny KID.
I tried to upload a video but It wouldn't work today....
Ive had to look at the "Bigger" picture a few times this week......
THIS is the bigger picture!
Nothing less........
Carry ON Busy Christmas Elf's, Carry on!